Introduction to Programming with Scientific Applications

Aarhus University, Department of Computer Science

Exam information

The exam is a 5 hours, written exam, with aids, including computer, headphone and internet.

The ordinary exam is in June. The reexam is in August.

A prerequisite for attending the exam is the approval of 10 mandatory assignments and submission of 1 implementation project. The handins and project can be done in groups of up to three persons.

The exam will be a set of programming exercises, where you have to provide Python code that solves various problems of varying hardness.

See previous exams for examples of exercises. The exam is provided as a zip file containing exercises,… __README__.txt and a program to test your solution during the exam, where it tests if your code generates the expected output for a set of test inputs provided. The exam should be handed in as a single zip file (how to create a .zip file on macOS and Windows).

Communication with others about the exam is not permitted during the exam. Students are required to bring their own PC and have WISEflow Device Monitor turned on throughout the entire exam. Tablets are not allowed.

It is exam cheating, if you use an AI assistant for the exam (ChatGPT, GitHub Copilot, etc.), as the exam assignment has not been solved independently and individually.

WISEflow and Linux

WISEflow has limited support for Linux, but according to the WISEflow support page the WISEflow Device Monitor can run on some versions of Linux.


The course curriculum for the exam consists of the slides covered during the course and available in the “Course plan” (see menu), the topic covered in the implementation project, and the topics covered in the mandatory handins.


The grade reflects an overall assessment of the final implementation project and the final exam.

The final exam contributes 80% to the final grade and the implementation project 20%. The result of the final exam must meet the minimum requirements for acceptance to be able to pass the course.

The implementation project done during the course will also count towards the reexam.